Monday, September 29, 2008

Dedicated to James Welch (who is brown)

James Welch reminds me of that song by Down AKA Kilo.....lyrics consisting of..
I'm brown, I get down, I lean like a cholo. Tonight you made my FHE family hot dogs, you burnt them, I like 'em brown.
James...what are you? as in where are you from? as in what shade of brown are you?
Today in provo i realized how much i miss the sweet sweet smell of the great salt lake floating into town when a storm decides to stop in.
what ABOUT bob? huh? he seems like a really great guy.
Today i took a little time for Hilary, I slept in, I did zero homework and i drank
chocolate milk till there was no more,
As my econ teacher would say......
paulie shore hits my mind at this moment.
whats up buh-uddy!
im diggin him today.
im diggin fish,
i think i will get a pet fish this week.
What should i name it?
leave comments on name suggestions.
thank you.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Sunday Night Rockin'

There are balloons scattering the floor of my apartment.
Evidence of the weekends fun.
Hours spent on youtube and hours spent on nothing.
A refresher, to start the week anew.
What things are in store for me this week?
I think I will order a pizza....that will last me for several meals.
Maybe I'll phone an ex flame, ask them how their life is going.
Never know.
I went to church today, or should I be saying I went to the runway for a fashion show today.
One girl was staring at me for so long she felt the bad vibes I was sendin' out and complimented my dress....She didn't really like it. i know it.
I trimmed my bangs and now I look like a fruitcake.
Maybe I will start wearing blue eyeshadow, that would be great for my image.
Don't you think?

Thursday, September 25, 2008

here is an amature sketch of my dark mustached crush.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

dark mustached man

I sit on campus, yet again.
Today is sunny and the weather is perfect.
I see my dark mustached crush.
He notices me, i wonder if he has noticed that i am "coincidentally" around in various places he is.
I also wonder how he gets that mustache so shiny,
does he condition it?
I think he is Hispanic, or possibly Indian, not Native American but from India.
Why are we not holding hands, these questions arise once again.
A slight breeze streaks my face, my hair is blowing.
blowing, blogged.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A series of unfortunate events

Yesterday, Monday September 22...disaster strikes the girls of Chelsea Condominiums. . . . The internet we had been so respectfully stealing backfires.
Comcast. We are left with no internet.
Blogging becomes less frequent.
We are forced to buy internet from quest.
blogged. bugged.
It was raining yesterday, how fitting. I did my homework and sat in a ball in the corner of the room. I listened to MOTAB. nothing could lift my spirits. This morning can you guess how many words have come out of my mouth. zero. Today is sunny, i feel i should branch out and talk to some strange person. No one understands me right now. I am wearing my newest of sort of new clothing, a dockers button up shirt with moose, ducks, turkeys, and other various animals on it. i look friendly today, someone asks me the time. things are looking up for this Brigham Young Girl.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

A Farewell Sunday

The Garden Park Ward
Old friend farewell.
Dewey's the name. I have not talked to him for some time nor did i talk to him very long today. I talked to my friend childhood best friend for about three hours straight, we talked about our lives and who we used to be, it felt good, but it felt different. The two of us missing our childhood's like mad, thinking of times like when we walked all around Salt Lake City for an entire day. I went to Bountiful again, still on my weekend home. I stuck around with talking and laughing with my friends, my dearests. My friends are all I feel I have to hold onto at this time. They are so good to me. They drive me home to Provo and we say our goodbyes and i love you's. I walk into my lonely apartment. In my saddest part of the night (shortly after watching a terrible Disney movie) when I realize my friends are north and I am a lone sole I get a phone call. Blogged.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Trip home for the weekend.

Bountiful, UTAH.
crazy town.
Everything is the same, except me. I have changed. I have tightened up, things are family. This puts me deeper down in the hole of lonliness. where is my boyfriend?....i don't have one. I eat a whole burrito.
I miss my captain crunch but i miss bountiful even more. i miss it here. why do i feel like a troubled teen....oh wait....i am one. Whatever the matter is i am stuck in between phases, a phase in itself probably. I hang out with some old time friends of mine, they are swell...why don't they move to provo with me. life of provo bountiful.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Third Week in Provo

Provo: Brigham Young University.
I sit, solitary on a bench waiting for my next art class to begin.
I have so many questions running through my mind.
I am questioning my existence on this earth.
Everyone around me is holding hands, loving it, loving each other.
My confidence is crushed. It is eleven elven. I make a wish.
I wonder what is wrong with me, why am i not holding hands with someone.
I took a shower this morning, I smell nice.
No one looks my direction
I am searching but not finding.