Wednesday, April 6, 2011

If you steal my sunshine

Wait, who had the best week ever? This girl. Lets start out with Wednesday:

I got one of these.... a scholarship. Thursday:

Rode my girls down the slopes on the sunniest ski day ever...goggle burn. Rode em again over the weekend in the best powder day I have possibly ever had.
Friday: what more can I say than Pace's coke and a 2o minute romance at the W lounge.
Got mah hurr did.
And inherited this kinda car. Inherit = Free.
On top of that, Ive been to Yogurtland 3 times, hung out with all my bests in provo, wore sandals, missed a class here and there (like right now because Id rather be blogging) and finals week is coming up and as everybody knows (maybe just Andie and I) that finals week is the funnest week of the semester.
That was my pretty dang good week.


Pearl said...

best. week. ever. Congrats on your scholarship!

claire said...

youre an inspiration!

honest to blog said...

gahhhhhhh if this was your week early in april, imagine how good its going to be when its finals!

outttaaaa control.